Nov 5, 2009

The Results: Battle of the Bookclubs

A month ago today, I wrote a post about my dabblings into four book clubs. I’ve been wanting to join a book club for a while, but I wasn’t exactly sure how to get involved in one, let alone whether I’d be able to stand one. I tend to read a hodgepodge of different genres and will read (or listen to) a book based on my current mood. In the end, I figured why the hell not?

It’s been a month since I joined four different book clubs and began a little something that I like to call, The Battle of the Book Clubs. After tinkering with the idea of joining a book club, I had only to browse subject lines to find one…and I found four (well, technically, one found me—but I found the other three). I gave them a month, now to fill you in…

The day after I decided to join a club (and by pure coincidence) BookClubUSA twittered me and invited me to join her brand spankin’ new book club. Joy of all joys, right? Well…let’s just say, BookClubUSA was not the book club for me. The books were good—great even, but I wasn’t exactly sure when or how the “discussions” would take place. But that’s not so hard to figure out, right? Just message the woman and ask…and wait. And wait some more. Until you finally realize that the Club Moderator was too busy chatting with the authors of the books she was reading and not so interested in taking care of her club.

I’m sure she’s a lovely person—I followed her on Twitter and she seemed quite personable—but not the kind of person meant to be a club moderator. But I didn’t quit just then; I didn’t want my opinions to be biased based of the fact that she snubbed me. For all I know, she’d had some legitimate reason for failing to respond to an important club question…

I officially quit BookClubUSA because, at the end of the month (when you’d expect a book discussion to take place) nothing happened. That’s right. Nothing. But all’s well and good. No sweat off my back, because I have three clubs to go.

The next three clubs I found on Goodreads and they are all wonderful clubs: The Next Best Book Club, Who's Your Author, and Chatting Chicks.

The Next Best Book Club was the first to go because I wasn’t all that interested in the books they read. They looked interesting, don’t get me wrong, but they just weren’t the kind of book I’d like to spend my precious time reading.

Now for the results of The Battle of the Book Clubs (and which club gets my undivided love and attention)— Drum roll, please…

For our runner up...Chatting Chicks! That leaves leaves Who’s Your Author as the winner!


I eliminated Chatting Chicks based strictly on their book choices—good books, and tuned more to my style than TNBBC, but still not the “OH MY GOD! I have to get online to find out what my group though about __________!” Who’s Your Author definitely had that element. The members are great and the books are good. What more could I ask for?

Sorry for the sub-par blog entry today; I'm exhausted.

Have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. Man, if that's your sub par post! Seriously, you should see mine... LOL. Sounds like you've found some good book clubs. Goodreads is a great site for that. I have a couple friends who have book clubs on there :o)



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